Yellow Brick Road - "When Fall Arrives" b/w "Day Before Tomorrow"

Although the small Bay Town label out of Hayward, California is well known to local collectors, this primitive Doors-worship release by a band calling itself Yellow Brick Road remains one of the more obscure entries in the label's compact discography.

Bay Town was run by a handful of people including one Barry M. Carlos, and released some pretty stellar (and sought-after) psych and soul singles in the late 1960s. I was able to track down Barry and speak with him over the phone a year or so ago. 

He informed me that Bay Town operated as a one-stop shop for local bands to record, press, and promote their records. Barry served as the in-house producer of the label and does not recollect the players in Yellow Brick Road.

Both original sides of this brooding, organ-driven single are amazing in my opinion, and it's hard for me to choose a superior cut. The musicianship and vocal delivery are obviously informed by Ray Manzarek and Jim Morrison, and the band's playing chops are quite remarkable.

Bay Town's label credits have proven tough to research, so if you have any information on Yellow Brick Road please message me or leave a comment.


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